How much does Artificial Turf cost?

Artificial turf ranges depending on what the scope of the project is. A safe ballpark number for for majority of the southeast will be between $10-13 a sqft for landscape turf.

How long does Turf last?

Turf ideally should last at a minimum 10 years if installed properly. With advances in how turf is made it just keeps getting better and better. The manufactuer’s generally rate the UV coating for 15 years

Why is erosion control important?

Erosion control is essential to really any landscape project. That doesn’t mean a silt fence or building a rip rap wall. That can be as simple as grading properly. When you tear up your yard, it gives you the opportunity to fix any and all issues with water management and how it flows. It is the backbone of a successful project.

Will moving water away from my yard effect my neighbors?

Short answer is it shouldn’t. Water is pretty simple to control, we aim to have the water flow away from all structures and towards public storm drains and or area where retention is available. Most neighborhoods have these in place but home builders have a problem with proper grading.

Will this increase my property value?

Yes! Having an artificial yard can make it much more appealing to potential buyers. The thought of not having to cut your grass is a huge selling point. Something else to consider is everywhere we operate has issues with heavy rainfall. If you go to a house for a showing in the rain and see that there are no issues with standing water or washouts in the yard. It absolutely shows that the previous owners cared about their property in all aspects. Water is the most powerful force on earth, proper flow can make or break a house.